Ghosts, Aliens, Bigfoot, Mothman, Visions, Accurate Dreams, Strange Creatures, Remote Viewing and more... It is my conviction as blog owner that there is evil in the spiritual realms. For that reason we do not provide or allow posts and/or comments about ouiji boards, seances, tarot cards, or automatic handwriting.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Have you had an unexplainable experience? Tell us about it.
I have seen Bigfoot twice. I saw an extraterrestrial craft and saw three beings through three separate portholes. The one in the middle waved at us. I have had my life saved by an Angel. I have seen more ghosts than I could count. Often my encounters were with other witnesses. I have left my body and observed the actions of others just like I was there. In actuality I was no where near what I observed. While vacationing on a house boat on Lake Powell my wife and I encountered what can only be called an "Egyptian Anubis". I have had numerous dreams that came true. I have often experienced spontaneous moments of "remote viewing". Later I found out that my visions were 100% accurate. Over the years my wife and I have had several major coincidences a day. We tried keeping a record of our coincidences but that proved an impossible task. There were just too many. Sharing mine and others unexplained experiences has become a passion.